Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Scary Santorum

I know that the conventional wisdom is that Obama could more easily beat Santorum than Romney, but I found myself sighing in relief when I heard that Romney had won in Michigan and Arizona. Of course I want Obama to win reelection this fall. But what if he was up against Santorum and something went wrong? Romney might be anti-gay. He might espouse many views that are antithetical to my own. But he just doesn’t seem as crazy as Santorum. Santorum is the guy who put down Protestants of the non-evangelical variety. He’s the guy who claims Obama’s theology is bad. Santorum is the guy who says he would die on a hill fighting against marriage equality and contraception because sex should be about procreation. Santorum is the guy who tells women that they should think of their rape babies as gifts from God. The man is one scary, loony bastard. He is locked up in his own limited and self-serving dogma, and he is completely incapable of looking at the world from someone else’s point of view, much less respecting someone else’s point of view. And if he should become the Republican nominee, that would place him within spitting distance of the presidency. I don’t even want to think about that. It’s bad enough that he’s being taken seriously as a primary candidate.

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